The repair process of any classic requires a lot of love and knowledge of the mechanics of the time, at J.Mateos we offer you our experience and knowledge for the restoration and repair of your vehicle. The maintenance of a classic vehicle is very important, it will depend on whether it lasts longer and functions like silk, so we can have the feeling of our parents and grandparents when driving them. Importantly, any car can become a classic car. They only have to meet one requirement: be at least 30 years old. Although officially this age requirement is essential, a classic vehicle could be younger. There are models that are considered classics before reaching this age if they have represented something important in the history of the industry, have been a limited version or have been a very popular and appreciated car among fans. This "Citroën 2 horses" produced by the French brand Citroën from 1948 to 1990. A pleasure to see you in our facilities.
Produced by the French brand Citroën from 1948 to 1990.